Event details
Join NSELA and CSSS Professional Learning Committee members to learn more about the recently completed work to add a rubric to the Science Professional Learning Standards (SPLS). These standards are designed to support all science educators in making informed decisions about the attributes, implementation, and evaluation of professional learning experiences. The SPLS provide clear expectations for both the provider of professional development and the participant in professional learning. Find the SPLS on our website using the following link http://cosss.org/Professional-Learning.
Webinar Link: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/326076937 One tap mobile +16699006833,,326076937# US (San Jose) +16468769923,,326076937# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) Meeting ID: 326 076 937